Monday, August 31, 2015


Me and some of my team members have realized that the mount Kilimanjaro is losing its ice cap due to global warming caused by raise of temperature. due to this has lead as to conduct a scientific research in the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro to observe the perception of the local people around mount Kilimanjaro perception on the conservation of the Mount Kilimanjaro. From the research we observed that the local participate in one way or another in the conservation of trees through themselves growing trees, also we have seen that the rules on cutting down the trees in Kilimanjaro is effective even though the local people don't prefer it. WE AS NATURE WARRIOR WE WILL DO EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO ENSURE THAT THE ICE CAPS OF MOUNT KILIMANJARO WILL BE THEIR FOR OUR NEXT GENERATION TO EXPERIENCE. THIS IS RESEARCH IS JUST THE FIRST STEP AS NATURE WARRIOR MORE WILL BE DONE.WE WILL BE HAPPY TO CONTINUE WITH RESEARCH LIKE THIS IN THE FUTURE.

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